Turn online reviews into in-store sales

Reply to all your customer reviews efficiently and with a personalized touch

Review management dashboard for customer reviews

Reply faser with generative AI

Respond to all your reviews in any language effortlessly with the assistance of Mobal's AI Review assistant.

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Customer review management dashboard

Reply to all your customer reviews, in any language

Make sure no review goes unanswered. Reply to all reviews, in any language, at scale with our automated review replies. Mobal translates the review reply automatically.

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Review management analytics dashboard on IPad

Save time with ready made review templates

Add templates to all kinds of reviews, in any language. Mobal automatically suggests an appropriate template to a review.

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Review management platform with analytics

Say hello to your AI review reply assistant

Put customer reviews and messages into context, translate them, and effortlessly create personalized responses in just a few seconds.

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Google Business reviews
Hawaii Restaurants Customer Case Interview

I really like working with Mobal. If you have any kind of questions, you get an immediate support. "

Hawaii Restaurants

Anastasia Mamadzhanova - Marketing and Sales Manager

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Review guide

Learn how to manage your reviews

How do I get more customers to leave reviews? What's the best way to manage reviews? Find the answers in our guide.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I respond to a negative review?

Always acknowledge the issue and respond calmly, honestly and openly. Respond promptly and stay professional. Try to understand the problem before replying and show compassion. It's always good to offer to talk it over and invite the customer to give you a call or send an email to talk it over. How you respond to a review reflects how the customer will feel about your business.

How do I respond to reviews on Google? 

To respond to reviews on Google you first need to claim your Google Business Profile. You'l then have access to reply publicly to the reviews in your profile. For positive reviews, a "thank you" and a personalized message is often much appreciated, while negative reviews requires a bit more attention and acknowledgment. Responding to reviews shows that you care about your customers.

How can I remove a bad review on Google?

Google does not offer a simple "delete" option for reviews. To remove an inappropriate review from Google, you must first read their reviews policy and then report the review. Google can remove reviews that violate its policy. The other way to get a review removed is to ask the writer to delete it or rewrite it.

Whats the best way to respond to a review?

Always thank the reviewer for leaving a review. Then make it personalized by mentioning the name of the reviewer, for example. Try to keep it short and authentic and invite the person to take action. This could for example be to invite them back to your store or letting them now about a special offer, or similar.