All your business profiles updated from one place, effortlessly

Drive revenue with Mobals AI-powered local marketing platform by managing all your business profiles online.

Business profile management platform

You are in good company

Click once.

Update all your profiles.

Update opening hours, publish posts and answer reviews in minutes across all your online profiles.

Update and manage all your online profiles, fast and easy

Mange your online presence 10x faster.

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Review management platform with analytics

"With Mobal, we now have a solution that enables us to manage our business listings in bulk. It saves us much valuable time.

Magnus Ejdne

Commercial Manager @JBIL

"Managing our Google reviews with Mobal has never been easier. Super fast and effortless user experience, highly recommend!"

Thomas Lundström

Marketing Manager @ Green Hippo

"Managing opening hours effectively across our many locations used to be a real pain. With Mobal it’s so simple and fast.

Minna Auravuo

Marketing & Commercial Manager @UFF

A set fo features to help you win more customers

There’s no such thing as a second first impression

"With Mobal, we now have a solution that enables us to manage our business profiles in bulk. It saves us much valuable time.

Magnus Ejdne

Marketing & Commercial Manager at J BIL

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Frequently asked questions

Why does optimising my business profiles matter?

Optimising your business profiles matters because it can improve your online visibility and attract more potential customers to your website. By providing accurate and consistent information about your business across different platforms, you can build trust and credibility with your target audience. Moreover, optimised profiles can help you rank higher on search engine results pages, increasing the likelihood of people finding and engaging with your business.

How do I list my business on Google?

To list your business on Google, first, create a Google Business account and provide accurate and complete information about your business, including your name, address, phone number, website, and business category. Next, verify your business through Google's verification process, which may involve receiving a postcard with a verification code, phone verification, or email verification. Once your business is verified, your profile will appear on Google Maps and in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find and connect with your business.

How can I best manage multiple business profiles?

To best manage multiple business profiles, start by creating a detailed profile for each business, including accurate and consistent information about its name, address, phone number, website, and other relevant details. Use a tool like Mobal to centralize your profiles and streamline your management process. Finally, regularly monitor and update your profiles to ensure that they reflect the latest information about your businesses and are consistent across all platforms, which can improve your online visibility and help attract more customers.

Can I customize my plan with Mobal?

Yes, you can customize your plan with Mobal. Mobal offers a range of plans and options that you can mix and match to create a plan that best meets your needs and budget.

Does Mobal have analytics?

Yes, Mobal offers analytics for business profiles. With Mobal's analytics, you can track important metrics and find out how your customers find your business online.

Which online directories does Mobal support?

You can update all the major online directories from Mobal. From your Google Maps and Search profiles, Apple Maps and Apple Apps, Facebook and Instagram profiles to Bing, Waze and Foursquare profiles, to name a few. Check out this article for our full library of connections.

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