April 3, 2024

Local SEO for Restaurants in 2024: Key Statistics and Strategies

April 3, 2024
Restaurants rely heavily on local SEO and mapping strategies to drive foot traffic and attract diners. Check out the key statistics and strategies for restaurants in 2024.
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Restaurants rely heavily on local SEO and mapping strategies to drive foot traffic and attract diners. In 2024, local search will present challenges and opportunities. By staying informed about the latest statistics and implementing effective strategies, restaurants can enhance their online visibility, attract more customers, and thrive in local markets.

1. Local Restaurant Searches

Today, more than ever, diners turn to the internet to research restaurants before making dining decisions. Over 90% of them conduct online searches, highlighting restaurants' need to maintain a solid online presence. (Source: SinglePlatform)

2. Mobile Restaurant Searches

Mobile devices have become indispensable tools for consumers searching for nearby dining options. With over 60% of restaurant searches originating from mobile devices, optimizing restaurant websites and Google Maps listings for mobile compatibility is essential. (Source: Search Engine Journal)

3. Google Maps for Restaurants

Google Maps is the go-to navigation tool for most smartphone users. Restaurants that claim and optimize their listings on Google Maps can improve their visibility to local customers, ultimately driving more reservations and walk-in traffic. (Source: Google)

4. On average, restaurants get 7x more views on their Google Business profile than on their website

We compared our customer's Google Business views to the organic visits on their website. We found an average of 7 times more views on the Google Business profile than on the website. Ensuring your business profile on Google Maps is accurate is now more important than ever before (Source: Mobal.io)

Appearing in the local pack, the top three map-based search results significantly increase the likelihood of clicks. With 64% of consumers clicking on one of these top results, focusing on local SEO tactics such as optimizing Google Business profiles and collecting positive reviews is crucial.

5. Reviews Influence Dining Decisions

Online reviews play a pivotal role in shaping diners' decisions. With 88% of consumers trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations, encouraging positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor is essential for enhancing a restaurant's online reputation.

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6. Visual Content Matters

Eye-catching visuals, such as high-quality photos and videos, can significantly impact diners' decisions. Restaurants with visually appealing imagery on their websites, social media profiles, and Google Maps listings are more likely to capture the attention of hungry customers and drive reservations.

7. Localized Content Strategy

Crafting localized content highlighting a restaurant's unique offerings, specials, and community involvement can foster deeper connections with local customers. Publishing localized blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters can cultivate a sense of loyalty and engagement.

8. Voice Search Optimization

With the rising popularity of voice-activated assistants, optimizing restaurant information for voice search queries is becoming increasingly important. Ensuring accurate representation in voice search results can drive more diners to the restaurant. (Source: Google)

9. Online Ordering and Reservations

Online ordering and reservation options can enhance diners' convenience and attract more customers. Integrating online ordering systems and reservation platforms into restaurant websites and Google Maps, listings can streamline the booking process and encourage more diners to choose the restaurant. (Source: Grubhub)

10. Local Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships with local businesses, influencers, and community organizations can extend a restaurant's reach and attract new customers. Collaborating on promotions, events, and cross-promotional campaigns can introduce the restaurant to new audiences and strengthen ties to the local community.


In the competitive landscape of the restaurant industry, mastering local SEO and mapping strategies is essential for attracting diners and driving business growth. By leveraging the latest statistics and implementing effective tactics explicitly tailored for restaurants, establishments can enhance their online visibility, attract more customers, and position themselves for success in 2024 and beyond.

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