Update your business hours on Google and Apple Maps

Keep your business hours updated across all platforms with ease. Mobal simplifies the process, ensuring accurate and consistent information for your customers, every time.
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Opening hours

Update business hours on all search engines and map directories

Connect to all major online directories and update your business hours with one click across all your profiles.
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Apple Maps

Reach customers across Apple Maps and the whole Apple eco-system.
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Google Maps

Ensure your business ranks first when people search for your business on Google Maps.
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Google Search

Make your business stand out on Google Search.
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Make sure Bing users find your business online.
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Optimize your business profiles for voice search.
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Optimize your Facebook page to not miss out on customers.

Make Sure Your Customers Always Know When You’re Open

It only takes a few clicks to keep your hours current. Don’t let an old schedule lead to missed opportunities. Update your business hours on Google and Apple Maps today and stay ahead of your competition.
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Avoid Frustrated Customers

Ensure people show up when your doors are actually open.

Increase Visibility

Accurate hours improve your ranking in local searches.
Build trust
Consistency online reflects reliability and professionalism.
Opening hours

Fast & Easy Updates

Keeping your business hours updated on Google and Apple Maps is crucial for customer satisfaction. Whether you’ve changed your opening times, added new services, or closed for the holidays, accurate hours help your customers plan their visit. Don’t miss out on potential sales due to outdated information.
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How to get started? 

Create a free account

Sign up quickly and easily to get started with managing your business information. No hidden fees—just a simple, free account to keep your customers informed.

Connect your profiles

Seamlessly link your Google and Apple Maps profiles in one place. Stay organized and manage your business details across multiple platforms with ease.

Update your opening hours

Keep your business hours accurate and up-to-date. Make changes any time to ensure your customers always know when you're open for business.

Keep your customers informed

Sign up now and enjoy a 7-Day Free Trial or book a free demo with one of our experts.
We care about your data in our privacy policy.
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